A message from Martin Simpson, Secretary.
I would like to welcome you to the Glasgow MGOC website.
The success of our club depends on a great group of people who enjoy fellowship and driving their MG’s! Our very varied programme contains something for everyone including runs, and car shows.

About the MG Owners' Club
The MG Owners’ Club was formed in 1973 to serve the needs of the MG sports car enthusiast by making it easier, cheaper and more enjoyable to own and drive an MG. Since then it has become one of the World's largest single marque car clubs. The Club philosophy places the emphasis on driving for fun, a fact reinforced by the magazine ‘Enjoying MG’.
The Glasgow MGOC aims to meet the needs of MG owners and enthusiasts living in west central Scotland.
The members meet on the second Thursday of the month (October to March) for lunch/‘pub chats’ at the White Cart Pub, Busby, and the Tickled Trout Bearsden.
Throughout the year a varied programme of runs and events take our members through the many beautiful parts of Scotland accessible from the Glasgow area. These include Loch Lomond and the Trossachs, Helensburgh, Ayrshire and Stirling. The runs and events normally take place on a Sunday. During the long summer days of June and July, we have a mid-week run (Wednesday) finishing with a meal. The Fish and Chip Run is a particular highlight
If you have an MG why not come along and enjoy the fun and fellowship.
We can also be found on Facebook